

1 minute read davut


Testing guide


1 minute read

This is going to be my new italic text and:
UTIs are the worst. I also used to get them all the time, pre-children. (The first time, in college, I didn’t know what was going on, and I got to the point of peeing blood before my best friend, Tricia, was like, “Yeah, that’s a UTI, let’s get you to the doctor.” I digress.) Interestingly, I’ve gotten them much less post-children, so perhaps you will be as lucky.

In terms of conception chances, the best data we have on this is from a very recent study in Denmark. The study followed about 9,500 women trying to conceive and surveyed them every eight weeks over the course of a year about conception success. The researchers linked these data with a database that showed what prescriptions people filled. They could then estimate whether the women who filled antibiotic prescriptions were less likely to get pregnant.

testing guide

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Day care setting with children in the background.
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Davut J
Davut J
10 months ago

Third attempt

Davut J
Davut J
10 months ago

second attempt

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