
Welcome to ParentData

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Meet Emily…

CEO of ParentData, mom of two, best-selling author, PhD graduate in economics from Harvard, and professor of economics at Brown University. Her books Expecting BetterCribsheetThe Family Firm, and The Unexpected have sold over 1 million copies.

Emily Oster is on a mission to provide better data on pregnancy, parenting, and personal health, so you can make confident, informed decisions that are right for you.

Meet our writers

Emily Oster

CEO, ParentData

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Nathan Fox

OB/GYN, Maternal Fetal Medicine

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Breonna Slocum

OB/GYN, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Fellow

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Gillian Goddard

Endocrinologist, Author of Hot Flash

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Christopher Worsham

Pulmonologist and Critical Care Physician

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Karey O’Hara

Psychologist, Researcher

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