Emily Oster

1 minute read Emily Oster

Emily Oster

Pregnant and Nervous About Thanksgiving Dinner

Q&A on whether any holiday foods are unsafe

Emily Oster

1 minute read

Eight weeks pregnant: Can I safely eat Thanksgiving dinner? We haven’t told our family we are pregnant, but I want to ensure I’m eating safely regardless of where we spend the holiday.

—First-Trimester Nervous Nelly

Congratulations! Thanksgiving is, blessedly, not a meal with many forbidden pregnancy foods. If the turkey is undercooked, avoid it (but this goes for everyone, not just pregnant). A note that deli turkey is a food that people raise concerns about, but a roasted Thanksgiving turkey is not the same thing.

Unfortunately, nine weeks is about the nausea peak, so you may not feel like eating (or be able to really hide that you’re pregnant…). Have fun!

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