
Emily Oster

2 minute read Emily Oster

Emily Oster

Five Things That Make Me Happy

A recipe, running club, and more

Emily Oster

2 minute read

The end of last week was tough. I’m guessing many of us are sharing the ups and downs these days. I’m worried about what will happen if my kids’ school doesn’t open, and also what will happen when it does. As someone who contributes to the conversation, I’m feeling somehow responsible for that, even though I know I have no actual control over what happens. I’m extremely worried that the places that will open will be the wrong ones, and the right ones will not open, and the result will be a loss of leaning and a lot of public health problems.

Twitter is driving me nuts.

I took much of the weekend off, which was helpful. I also took a page from some mental health guidance and decided to reflect on five very specific things which make me happy. Of course, Jesse and the kids make me happy, but that isn’t really what I mean. I’m talking about little moments or events which I look forward to. Here are mine (most of them seem food related, I’m not sure what I take from that).

  • The hour between 5 am and 6 am when I have coffee, eat fruit and do email and no one else is up.
  • This tomato soup recipe.
  • Running club
  • The fact that farms in Rhode Island deliver produce in the summer.
  • The Real Housewives of NY City. Don’t judge me, that show is hilarious.

What’s your five?

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